PRESS RELEASE: Horizon Ottawa Endorses Catherine McKenney for Mayor


Today we are proud to announce that after a vote of our membership, Horizon Ottawa is endorsing Catherine McKenney to be the next Mayor of Ottawa. 

Since the beginning of their term as Councillor for Somerset Ward in 2014, Catherine has been one of the most progressive voices at City Hall, supporting initiatives to push for more housing affordability and ending homelessness, a city budget that prioritizes people over big corporate interests, and pushing for a public inquiry into our LRT. As many local politicians and authorities abandoned us during the dark winter months of the Ottawa occupation, Catherine was on the ground with us, making sure residents felt safe.

Further, Catherine was also the first to emphatically proclaim that they would not be accepting campaign donations from developers. To our members, that signaled that the only constituency Catherine would be accountable to would be to residents of this city. To show their commitment to transparency, Catherine will be publicly releasing their list of donations over $100 ahead of Election Day so that voters can understand who is funding their campaign before they head to the polls.

City Hall needs change. Catherine has the experience to get it done based on their progressive policies and past experience. Catherine has proven they are ready to govern for all residents across the City of Ottawa – rural, urban and suburban. We need a mayor who can bridge the apparent regional divisions that exist in this city and were exacerbated during the past decade under Jim Watson.

From Jim Watson’s choice, Mark Sutcliffe, who surrounds himself with representatives of the status quo, to a former mayor whose policy ideas reflect a bygone era; Ottawans are tired of establishment politicians.

We need a mayor with a bold, progressive vision; a mayor who seeks to challenge the status quo, not one who is looking to uphold it. Ottawa is facing various, simultaneous crises—primarily climate and housing affordability. We cannot afford another four years of a mayor and council who promote austerity for social services while delivering budget increases and tax cuts to large developers and luxury Porsche dealerships.

We believe that a better, more just city that prioritizes compassion and care is possible.  This is why we are supporting Catherine McKenney.



For Media Inquiries:

Sam Hersh
[email protected]

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