PETITION: No Cuts to Public Transit

In the last Ottawa municipal budget, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe made the most significant transit service cut since 2011 when tens of thousands of hours of service were cut from the system. Similarly in 2023, he also included up to $50 million in cuts yet the budget was still left with a $39 million hole that other levels of government were supposed to fill.

Residents, experts and other community groups had called on the mayor to invest in transit rather than cut it as they knew funding would not come, and they were right.

We need our Mayor and council to commit to finding other ways to make up for the transit shortfall.

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We the undersigned, call on Ottawa City Council and Mark Sutcliffe to commit to not cutting routes or service and instead to look into other means to make up for the transit shortfall like re-allocating money from other city departments or creating new revenue streams

2,555 signatures

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