PETITON: Call on City Council to Raise the Affordable Housing Budget

Ottawa is in crisis. For every 1 unit of affordable housing that is built, 7 are lost, and over 150 people sleep on the street every night. Yet, our city council only approved $16 million on building new affordable homes.

We know we can do better - Currently the city spends $40 million on shelters, and we think at least the same should be spent on permanent, deeply affordable housing so we can start tackling the root cause.



*DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: All petitions submitted to the City will be retained by the City Clerk’s office. Petitions meeting the requirements of this policy and therefore presented to and received by Council will be kept on file at the Office of the City Clerk and will be available for public viewing upon request. 

Will you sign?

We the undersigned call on the Mayor and Ottawa City Council to support raising the affordable housing budget to $40 million so we can begin to adequately address the housing crisis and lack of affordable housing supply in the city.

2,503 signatures

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