Ward 17 - Capital

Shawn Menard

Shawn Menard is a dedicated and passionate community advocate and the incumbent councillor for Capital Ward. Shawn was raised in Ottawa and currently lives in Capital Ward with his partner and their two kids.

First elected to Council in October 2018 to represent Capital Ward on an ambitious and progressive platform, Shawn has been a tireless advocate for his community. He has fought for safer pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure, for more community input and benefits from development, for more affordable housing, for better tenant protections, for better protection of our trees and greenspace, and for more accountability and transparency on P3 contracts. At city hall, he has fought against increases to the police budget, unnecessary subsidies to developers, bailouts for wealthy corporate executives and attempts to privatize city assets.

Shawn is running for re-election because the people of Ottawa and Capital Ward deserve a city that will provide a more sustainable future for all residents: a city that is serious about climate action; a city that will rein in developer influence, contain urban sprawl and end homelessness; a city that provides safe walking and bicycling infrastructure and reliable, affordable transit; and a city that focuses on quality of life with park space, public bathrooms, mental health services, local food growth and a healthy tree canopy.

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