Zone 3 - Barrhaven West/Barrhaven East

Patricia Kmiec

Patricia Kmiec is a parent and active community member in Barrhaven. She holds a PhD in Social Justice Education and currently teaches at Carleton University in the areas of Education, Family Studies, and Human Rights related to children and youth. She is a passionate advocate for the rights of children and youth, including the need for young people to be meaningful participants in the structure and direction of their own education.

Her priorities as trustee will be implementing and strengthening policies related to equity and inclusion; ongoing connection and community-building with constituents (including students); and advocating for a human rights-based approach to decision-making. She is looking forward to bringing a refreshingly collaborative, trustworthy, and student-centred perspective to the role of OCDSB trustee for Zone 3: Barrhaven East/Barrhaven West

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